sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010


Si estas buscando manuales para: Abrir, Destapar, Desarmar, Servicio de Portatiles, notebooks o laptops, revisa este post.

En este post va una recopilacion de webs donde se publican manuales de desarme y servicio de notes...

Por ahora solo estan los siguientes enlaces, esperamos sus aportes, los cuales seran valorados como asiste a la solucion..

Manuales de Toshiba

Manuales de Ibook y tecnologia MAC

Pasos genericos para desarmar LAPTOP
• Remove the battery.
• Remove all cards on the bottom (memory module, wireless card, modem card, etc.) Be careful with cables and connectors, it's very easy to damage and very time consuming to replace.
• Remove all drives (hard drive, CD-ROM drive, DVD drive, etc.) If you cannot find the hard drive, it most likely is hidden under the keyboard or under the top cover assembly. If you cannot find securing screws for the optical drive on the bottom, they are most likely under the keyboard.
• Remove all screws on the bottom of the laptop.
• Remove the keyboard securing strip. Be careful, sometimes it might be very tight.
• Remove the keyboard.
• Remove all screws under the keyboard and disconnect all cables.
• Remove all screws securing the display assembly. Lift the LCD screen / display off the base.
• Lift the top cover assembly off the base.
• Remove all screws securing the system board, the power board, the video board, etc. Disconnect all cables, connecting the boards.
• Remove all boards and remove the CPU.